Nothing empowers a skilled worker like the option to walk out and take a better offer CORPORATE DARWINISM The obsolescence I have in mind was anticipated by Silicon Valley’s favourite economist, Ronald Coase. Back in 1937, a young Coase wrote “The Nature of the Firm”, calling attention to something strange: while corporations competed within a…

Tips from headhunters to Board Members

Tips from three leading headhunters Directors must ask the right questions and support — and challenge — chief executives MALTAWAY BOARD GOVERNANCE AND NON EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (NED) Even here in Malta this issue arises with relevant importance and validity , partly because the high number of foreign companies present in Malta, in order to be…

The Real Cost of an MBA and US ranking

The Real Cost of an MBA To figure out the true price of a business degree, you have to factor in the opportunity cost. After working for eight years in accounting and finance, most of it at PwC, Tully Brown knew it was time to deepen his business skills. So he did what a lot…

Is TALENT management privileging “niceness” and non-confrontation

Every CEO claims to struggle with the challenge of getting the right “talent,” but what does this really mean? Their real concern is:  Do I have the people who will understand my agenda and be able to really change how work gets done, at pace? This is the wrong question. Individuals can make a difference…

Microsoft will pay you well as Ceo, GM with +464k or Tech person with +256k

Microsoft will pay you well as Ceo, GM with +464k or Tech person with +256k Microsoft is on the upswing, thanks to CEO Satya Nadella. Customers love Microsoft, Wall Street loves Microsoft, and, importantly, developers and engineers increasingly love Microsoft. Which means that it is attracting some top talent — and continues to pay them the big…

The App Economy Promotes Common Sense

Uber Revolutionizes Common Sense Customers Make the Best Regulators The popular ride-sharing service has created unwitting supporters of the free market. But when most people think about the market economy in the abstract, they feel overwhelmed and alienated by this vast and complex system. Intimidated by their understanding of “capitalism,” they tend to demand that…

Become a Better Learner…no way you must stay out of your comfort zone

Become a Better Learner MALTAway is the most comfortable way to stay out of your comfort zone “Staying within your comfort zone is a good way to prepare for today, but it’s a terrible way to prepare for tomorrow.” To sustain success, you must develop learning agility. The CEO sitting across from me is explaining how…