23% delle imprese greche ha dichiarato di trasferirsi all’estero, alla fine del QE toccherà ai PIGS, Italia in testa

23% delle imprese greche ha dichiarato di trasferirsi all’estero, alla fine del QE toccherà ai PIGS, Italia in testa Questo è quello che accade e accadrà in Italia, se fossi un professionista, una piccola media impresa o un global corporation mi muoverei rapidamente, portare fuori dall’Italia le cose più importanti, le proprie competenze, la propria…

Free melitaWIFI now covers more popular summer spots

Free melitaWIFI now covers more popular summer spots MelitaWIFI is the next generation Wi-Fi service accessible for free by all Melita customers subscribed to internet services or mobile contract plans. Maltaway is your access to the best solutions to travel to Malta for vacation, english course, business,work,wealth management and protection, residency, company domiciliation and quality…

Losing a tailwind: the supply of equities may soon stop shrinking

Losing a tailwind: the supply of equities may soon stop shrinking WHEN supply falls and demand is strong, prices tend to go up. So it has been in America’s stockmarkets. Short-term interest rates at record lows and minuscule yields on government bonds have boosted investors’ demand for equities. And thanks to share buy-backs, the supply…

About debt, sin and moral responsibility

About debt, sin and moral responsibility FOR anybody trying to figure out why different cultures (Greece and Germany, say) seem to have different attitudes to matters like debt, sin and moral responsibility, it is worth looking at how words, including religious words, are used. But one should always be suspicious of simple answers and be…